A fungating breast tumor is a very advanced stage of breast cancer that is so rare that only 2 to 5 percent of breast cancers occur as a fungating tumor. The tumor causes sores or ulcers that are very painful and uncomfortable.
This article provides a complete description of a fungating breast tumor so that you can have an idea of what to do if you are diagnosed with this deadly disease.
What is a fungating breast tumor?
Fungal breast tumor is a very advanced stage of breast cancer. When cancer breaks through the skin around the breast and enters, these fungal tumors form, causing an ulcer-like infection.
Fungating tumors are not commonly seen because they are extremely rare. It is also a type of skin cancer.
Causes of fungating breast tumors
A breast tumor eventually transforms into a fungal tumor. The first reason is that the tumor breaks through the skin mass and enters the skin. Sometimes cancerous tumors grow invisibly and sometimes turn into fungal tumors.
In some cases, if cancer is not caught in time due to neglect, it will gradually progress to more advanced stages without treatment, which will transform it into a fungal tumor. Such neglect and late diagnosis or late treatment occur mostly in poor countries.
Types of fungating breast tumor
Fungating breast tumors arise from two types of cancerous tumors:
- From primary tumors: Tumors that originate in the skin of the breast are called primary tumors. Initially, when primary breast cancer cells form inside the body, sores or ulcers can develop or become infected.
- From secondary tumors: When cancer cells come from another part of the body, and it develops in the breast through the blood and form a tumor, it is called a secondary tumor. Secondary tumors may develop into fungal tumors due to neglect. But it is extremely sparse.
Stage of Breast Cancer is Fungating
Staging is usually based on the size of the cancer tumor and whether the cancer has spread to other organs. Cancer is divided into five stages from zero to four based on the stage of the cancer.
As the size of the tumor and the number of affected lymph nodes increase, it moves to the upper stage. If the tumor is small, the fungus never infects. It is more susceptible to fungus as it grows and spreads into the surrounding area.
Fungating tumors are usually seen as arising from stage 3 and stage 4 cancerous tumors. Because both ulcers and fungus arise from large tumors.
Symptoms of Fungating Breast Tumor
Breast tumors are not fungal in their early stages. But if left untreated, the small cancerous tumor gradually grows and infects the fungus and causes large lesions.
Breast cancer tumors first appear as bright red lumps. And when the fungus infects, the tumor breaks down and the cancer cells enter the skin. This then causes a small sore that gradually enlarges.
There are also some obvious physical symptoms observed in patients with fungal infection of breast tumors.
- A bad smell comes out from the wound.
- Leakage in the tumor area.
- Bleeding from leakage.
- Excruciating pain.
- Itchiness.
Diagnosis of Fungating breast tumor
To diagnose a fungal breast cancer tumor, a mammogram is first performed and then an ultrasound determines the density and size of the tumor.
After selecting the size and density, a biopsy is done to determine if it is infected with fungus. By doing a biopsy of the tumor, doctors can examine a portion of your breast cancer tumor and determine whether it is malignant or benign. And this process can tell if your tumor is fungal.
Who might get a fungating tumor?
Fungal tumors are rare and occur only in cancers associated with skin cancer such as breast cancer, head and neck cancer, etc. And especially cancerous tumors that are affected by the fungus only occur due to long-term untreated.
These fungal tumors are more common in poor countries because patients there are not easily screened for cancer and do not receive treatment as easily.
Treatments for fungating breast tumors
Treatment of fungating breast tumors first involves the appropriate treatment to destroy the tumor and cancer cells. Following are the treatments that can be used to destroy tumors and cancer cells:
Surgery: First, if possible, the affected area should be removed through surgery. Doctors usually make decisions based on the size and location of the tumor.
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is usually given to shrink the tumor and help to reduce the symptom and pain.
Radiotherapy: Radiation therapy for skin cancer is a very common treatment. If the condition is found to be worsening in the beginning then the doctor suggests radiotherapy to treat the patient. Some reactions are common after radiotherapy like redness, dry and flaky skin.
Hormone Therapy: Usually in primary cancer doctors suggest hormone therapy which can help to shrink the tumor and reduce the growth of tumor. Another key element to the treatment of fungating breast cancer is appropriate wound management such as wound care, pain management, palliative care.
Is it possible to prevent a fungating tumor from occurring
Fungal tumors cannot always be prevented. It is not possible every time. This type of tumor can be cured by medical or surgical treatment if detected at an early stage. That’s why women should be aware and have regular screenings and talk to a doctor if you notice any abnormal lumps.
Support for Fungating Breast Tumor Patients
After the diagnosis of the disease, such patients usually become mentally disturbed. It is normal for fungating breast cancer patients to feel embarrassed, fearful and stressed after being diagnosed with breast cancer. After a diagnosis, a patient must go through a mixed and powerful process of thinking that this disease can cause. This time patients need extra support from family, friends and loved ones which helps to prevent this difficult time. A fungating breast cancer patient needs medical support, psychological support, community support also. In some cases, it is very helpful for a patient to join a cancer support group. Here are some potential resources, are given below:
- National Breast Cancer Foundation’s National Virtual Support Group
- Cancer support Community
- American princess society’s reach to recovery program
If anyone sees unusual lumps in the breast, you should contact the doctors as soon as possible. A person should communicate openly and honestly so that doctors can help them through difficult times, which is very important. During this time they must be mentally strong so that they can overcome the disease. Human morale is a great medicine that gives courage to fight the disease.
What kind of Treatments use for fungating breast tumors?
Surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, harmony therapy are mainly used for fungating breast tumors.
Is it possible to prevent a fungating tumor from occurring?
It is not always possible to prevent fungal tumors. This type of tumor can be cured by medical or surgical treatment if detected at an early stage.