Can teenagers get breast cancer? Symptoms, and Causes

A cancer research institute.

Breast cancer is more common than all other cancers in the world today. According to a 2022 study, breast cancer was the most common cancer in 157 of 185 countries around the world. This type of cancer usually affects women aged 50 and older.

But if the question is can teenagers get breast cancer, then the answer is yes. But it is so rare that such patients are almost never seen.

Can teenagers get breast cancer

Although breast cancer is extremely rare in teenagers, it is possible. Such cases are very rare in the whole world. A review of incidence from 2012 to 2016 found that the incidence of breast cancer among women aged 15 to 19 was one in 1 million.

Can teenagers get breast cancer
Can teenagers get breast cancer?

As girls enter puberty, their breasts begin to change and many find one or more lumps in their breasts. This type of lump is usually caused by hormonal changes and goes away on its own. But if you think it’s going to be permanent and it’s very itchy, definitely get checked out by an experienced doctor.

How common is breast cancer in teens?

Generally, as we age, our body’s immune system decreases and the body’s cells are more prone to decay or damage. This is why older women are more likely to develop breast cancer than younger women. 

Generally, women over the age of 50 or 55 are most likely to develop breast cancer. According to 2020 data, 11,368 women aged 20 to 39 were diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States that year. This equation indicates 27 women per 1 lakh.

Can teenagers get breast cancer?

However, breast cancer in women under the age of 20 is extremely rare i.e. it is almost unheard of. According to cancer research data from 2012 to 2016, the chance of developing breast cancer among teenage girls is one in 1 million.

What If I Have a Lump in My Breast?

Breast lumps are most likely to occur between the ages of 20 and 30 and tend to increase gradually with age. However, it is rarely seen in the breasts of teenagers or younger girls.

If you notice a lump in your breast, there is nothing to panic as most lumps are benign, meaning non-cancerous. A lump can form under the skin or inside a blood vessel of the breast if the breast size changes or grows during puberty or if there is an injury to the breast.

Breast cysts, fibroadenomas, and fibrocystic changes are the most common lumps that can occur in teenage breasts. 

However, if your lump seems to be permanent or doesn’t go away on its own within four to six weeks and you feel some pain, you should definitely get a checkup by your doctor. 

Teen Breast Cancer Causes and Symptoms

Cancer occurs when cells in a particular area produce more than normal and it gradually transforms into a tumor that looks like a lump.

Can teenagers get breast cancer? What is the cause?

If the question is that, can teenagers get breast cancer? Then the answer is yes. But neither smoking nor any other food or behavior causes cancer in teenagers. Although its cause is still not clearly known, some factors are suspected which are described below.

  1. The presence of BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes in the body causes breast cancer in teenagers.
  2. If breast lymphoma is diagnosed and radiation therapy is used to treat it, radiation exposure increases the risk of developing breast cancer later.
  3. Girls who hit puberty early, are slightly more likely to develop breast cancer.
  4. A teenage girl’s chance of developing breast cancer increases if someone in the family has had breast cancer in the past.
  5. There are some birth control pills that increase a woman’s chance of developing breast cancer during puberty

Can teenagers get breast cancer? What are the Symptoms?

Although breast lumps are almost always non-cancerous, it should be checked for cancer if it persists for a long time and shows the symptoms mentioned below.

  • Lumps feel harder than usual
  • It can be painful
  • Those areas of the breast become swollen and red.
  • Blood or some kind of bloody fluid is discharged from that place.
  • It can be slightly larger than a pea.
  • It becomes permanent.

Breast Cancer Treatment in Teens

As with all cancers, there are breast cancer treatments that are used to treat teenage breast cancer

  1. Radiation therapy: With an external device, high-energy X-rays are applied to the cancerous area to destroy cancer cells and stop their growth.
  2. Surgery: In this method, the cancerous part is surgically removed to treat the cancer. However, some cancer cells are likely to remain in nearby areas, which is why radiation therapy is applied to destroy the remaining cancer cells.
  3. Chemotherapy: This treatment uses drugs to kill cancer cells or stop cancer from growing. The drugs are usually injected into the patient’s vein with a needle and sometimes taken orally. In most cases, chemotherapy is used as an adjunctive treatment to surgery or radiation therapy to treat breast cancer.
Surgical treatment for breast cancer


Finally we can say that the answer to this question, can teenagers get breast cancer is yes. But thanks to modern science, there is definitely a treatment for it. If cancer is detected early and treated quickly, the patient’s chances of survival and recovery are greatly increased.


Can teenagers get breast cancer at 15 years age?

If a girl carries the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes or if she has a family history of breast cancer, she is more likely to develop breast cancer.

Can teenagers get breast cancer without any smoking?

Smoking or any other type of diet is not the cause of developing breast cancer during puberty, it is completely due to genetic factors or family history or it is completely natural.

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